Elm Grove Publishing
“I read voraciously. Every book I ever bought, I have. I can't throw it away... Some of them are in warehouses. I've got a library that I keep the ones I really really like.”
–David Bowie
What's your book idea?
At Elm Grove, we offer independent book publishing for everyone. And we keep it simple, fair and reasonable.
We will design and produce your book professionally and format it for printing and/or electronic (e-book) distribution. Then, working with top distributors and booksellers, we'll publish it in the marketplace where buyers can find it.
We'll even show you ways to help sell your book and make a profit out of your writing!
Together let's make your dream of becoming a published author come true!
If you’ve already written your book, tell us about it.
If you have an idea for a book but haven’t yet written it, tell us about it.
If you have an idea for a book but would like help with writing, tell us about it.
Whether you are a first time author or an old hand - let us help you make the most of your talent. It doesn’t matter what the subject of your book is: fiction, biography, documentary, history, art, photography, travel, cooking, children's books – words or pictures or both – we can help you finish it professionally and publish it worldwide!